During our recent trip to the US, a friend challenged me to dig deeper into my quest for “authenticity”. Tired of reading only the surface of this topic, she all but rolled her eyes at this now overused, trendy word. As a person who is typically repelled by fads myself, I realized this was the precise turning point in my work which I’ve been trying to uncover. She asked me “What does authenticity mean to you?” So, I’d like to go there and hope you’ll come along to further explore this idea.
I believe that living authentically can only begin with being absolutely honest with yourself and in your relationships.
In my opinion, boundaries and respect within our interactions can still remain intact when we show our true colors. We would feel more connected within our community if we were more open about our highs and lows in daily life. During our lows, we often paint our portraits as rainbows, even if this doesn’t resemble our current reflection. It seems this can create all kinds of anxiety and pressure for the day we show up unrecognizable in our true form. Aren’t we missing a chance to find relief from those who may offer understanding and support? We are human. It takes courage to allow others in, but our courage can be infectious. By being more open about our ups an downs, we are supporting others who may feel supported knowing they are not alone.
I believe our community would grow stronger and have a deeper bond if we stopped concealing our inevitable tides in life.

Let’s hold our heads high for having the courage to show our true form, rainbows, rain clouds and all the weather in between. Stay strong, remain proud and protect your innate boundaries for comfort, but know when it’s time to join forces with another. Ask for a shoulder to lean on, a moment to recognize and celebrate your achievements and freely offer all the same in return.
Sure, it’s may not seem that simple if you swim in the public pool.
It is only since we moved to New Zealand that I have begun to utilize social media and really decided to hit the gas towards my creative dreams. What an interesting world social media has been to enter.
I love the inspiration, connection, support and motivation I have experienced since joining. This is the place where I feel I can precisely and unequivocally write and display from my heart. But, I have felt the tug to compare and the fear of regret in sending my thoughts and art out into this vast space. I’m sensitive and emotional, I often change course with the wind. So how will my public expression of today’s state of mind alter my big picture goals?
Honesty with ourselves, in this space surrounded by suggestions of what a “happy” and “authentic” life looks like brings the need for a whole new filter for the soul.
How can we pave our own path to a wellness defined by our unique needs while being surrounded by a society that seems to often be comparing, mimicking, competing or simply showcasing only its finest moments? On the flip, we are also submerged in a sea of hopelessness with current events that can leave us feeling lost for words and the best ways to help make a difference. There are those brave souls who seem comfortable in displaying every nuance of their lives in an unfiltered and unedited fashion. To each their own, but if we choose to enter into this pool of social media, news and entertainment casually or hours per day, what ways might this alter our image of ourselves and our direction? How can we remain linked for a purpose?
I would like to use this blog and my new connection to social media for providing a place of positive, honest and healthy inspiration, for living a richer life of creativity, giving and fulfillment. Join my new PhotoDreamTrip Membership to be part of this journey with me.
Each week, we will create and process from our hearts as I offer tiny-step challenges for relaxation and melting into creativity.
I hope to inspire your soul with visions of the sea, rolling hills, a simple life, a simple home and glorious time with the loves of your life. Just as integral to this process will be a space for expressing internal challenges through art with no judgment or expectations. No explanations required for our work, let’s just put it out there. It is my quest to satisfy all of my longings for both privacy, connection and expression.
Let’s all look around and support heartfelt work, lives and giving in this world, but don’t forget to look inside and give yourself all that you need to succeed.
Give yourself time, patience, a gentle nudge and cheer. Believe in your ideas and offerings as valuable and unique.

It is the lessons, strengths and skills that we gain through our successes, failures and companionship which will bring us to speak and wear our own honest narrative. Slowly, we can learn to know what self-assessments are truly our own as we notice our hearts filling-up, a spontaneous smile and positive energy towards our next move.
So, in turn, I’ll ask, what does “authenticity” mean to you?
Leave me a comment below, I would love to hear about your journey to you!
Mary Lynn Burke

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Nikki Ashton says
I love this post on authenticity. Your thoughts and the way you express them, both visually and verbally, are just beautiful! I would LOVE to be part of your new Facebook group 💗
Photo Dream Trip says
Thank you so much for your kind words Nikki! I’m so happy to have you read my blog and join the group. I am swimming in ideas and can’t wait to explore them with members like you. See you over there!