I’m so very happy you are here! Below you may listen to my welcome message while viewing a few of my photos and videos. From our annual family tradition to see the Boston Ballet and Symphony Orchestra to our arrival in New Zealand, these images are an introduction to my family and our New Zealand surroundings. In the future, family photos won’t come your way. Instead, along with sharing my thoughts and ideas around self-love, I’ll share landscapes, seascapes and some dreamy abstracts from New Zealand, USA and abroad.
I’m so thrilled to offer this membership that is NOT asking you to change, rather embrace the unique beauty that you are in this world. I am so grateful to have you with me as we journey towards fully embracing all that we are right in this very moment!
If you prefer, listen and read along with the recording below.

Makorori Beach, New Zealand
Hello everyone. I’m Mary Lynn Burke. Welcome to PhotoDreamTrip. Two years ago, I moved from Boston, Massachusetts to New Zealand with my husband and our two young daughters. Soon after we settled in, something profound began to change in my heart. Although I was living amongst complete strangers, with all of my friends and family oceans away, for the first time, I felt as if I belonged. This was not just due to the world-class Kiwi kindness, no. I found belonging through being alone. The time I spent in solitude with nature allowed my mind to drift and wander through thoughts that I had previously interrupted with my “to-do” lists, schedules and just basically getting in my own way.
Soon after we settled in, something profound began to change in my heart.
For as long as I can remember, things like fear of failure, imposter syndrome, shame, guilt and all the in-between stopped me from boundlessly leaping after my biggest personal goals and enjoying the gifts surrounding me. Now, here I was in a far away land, without so many of my usual physical and calendar distractions. Almost every day, I spent time at the beach watching waves, creating photographs and writing. Many days brought me to tears with sadness for pieces of my past that were lingering and very heavy in my present heart. Some days, the tears were for joy and relief for the scratchy and ill-fitted layers being shed. Through this ongoing renewal, I have allowed myself the freedom to be me. I have embraced my many imperfections and become more aware and better acquainted with my strengths and interests. This new outlook on myself radiated that same love and joy towards all that surrounded me.

Kaikoura, New Zealand
Now, with a renewed heart, I want to live a life of peaceful vulnerability in my relationships, creativity, physical well-being and with the space we call home. I imagine this will be found through the one thing that I have been craving my whole life: the feeling of belonging. I believe that this basic human need, “to belong” is brought through feeling accepted and valued just as we are in this very moment. Without the pressure for more material things, highly esteemed careers, perfectly idealized beauty, parenting, nutrition, travel holidays and all the rest, we are just so beautiful and perfect just as we are right now.
Whatever you carry from your past and present that has brought you to question your belonging and value, I want this to be a place where we have meaningful conversations and sharing around how we are pushing beyond and challenging the notion of “not being enough” or “not fitting in”. You and your thoughts, creations and discoveries are welcome and “belong” here.

Kaikoura, New Zealand
I want this to be a place where we have meaningful conversations and sharing around how we are pushing beyond and challenging the notion of “not being enough” or “not fitting in”
Some days, I’ll write and talk about what I’m learning in my research and in my quest for self-love and belonging. Other days, I’ll bring you resources, links, imagery and personal stories in hopes to inspire and direct you along your journey of finding more joy through embracing your true self. You will have a chance to send me and our supportive community your thoughts, and at some point, I may show-up for some live conversations with you too. I’ll share and provide new writing, photography and ideas with you each Wednesday. But, I want to be very clear. I am not here to provide you with my own personal expertise and scientifically proven methods because, although I am trained as a masters level social worker, I am not showing up here in the role of social worker. I am creating this membership in the role of storyteller, artist and host.

Church of the Good Shepherd
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand