This week, I’ve felt the effects of leaving social media and perhaps the combination of loose and tight structure that I’m drifting between each day has left me feeling aimless. It’s interesting how calm I’ve felt since exiting social media, but also I’m becoming aware how those posts also felt like a bid for connection on behalf of my art. Now, I’m here hoping for the same without the message being filtered, restricted and interrupted.
I do realize that I’m now asking people to come to my place, rather than the trendy country club. But, although I love seeing my friends and enjoy the latest club drinks and snacks, it’s gotten pricey, so crowded, there seem to be a lot of unwritten rules, the people don’t appear real to me and the pool feels like it’s not even why anyone is there anymore. It’s just not my scene.
So, I’m hoping to keep things simple and all about the art and conversation. I will definitely want to keep sharing my thoughts in writing because writing and art-making go hand-in-hand for me.
The past few weeks, I’ve been thinking and researching ways to stretch my own canvases going forward. I’m looking at starting with a smaller piece to practice and I’m eager to get started. I’ll be sharing more about that soon.
I’d love to hear from you, please leave a comment below or email your comment here.
In the meantime, below is another summer study I created today.

15 x 11 inches
*currently available directly from my studio